Wingham Family Health Clinic


The surgery hours are from 8:30am – 5:00pm, Monday to Friday.

Wingham Family Health Clinic is a family friendly community practice located in Wingham, which has been part of our local community for over 30 years.

The doctors we support are committed to providing accessible, high-quality healthcare to our community. The practice is based on conventional medicine. The doctors are experienced in a variety of specialised areas to assess patient’s individual health needs within a trusting environment.

Our reception staff can assist you with any questions regarding the practice’s policies and procedures

If you are experiencing an emergency, please dial 000. The nearest emergency department is Manning Base Hospital in Taree. 

The surgery closes 12.30pm – 1.30pm each day for luncH

The surgery is fully accredited with GPA, meeting the standards set by the Australian Government. Wingham Family Health Clinic supports GP training and GP registrars.

If you or a family member require the services of an interpreter, please let us know, as this can be arranged.

Translating & Interpreting Service – Tel 131 450